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Wickedly Smart Women

Oct 28, 2020

The quickest way to become an expert is by interviewing other experts. But how, exactly, do you build a media platform and then convince those experts to appear on your show? 

Raven Blair Glover, also known as The Talk Show Maven, is the founder of the Raven International Broadcasting Network and owner of the Beyond the...

Oct 21, 2020

The gurus will tell you that it’s important to define a specific client avatar and craft your marketing around that person. But Dorina Lanza contends that attracting your ideal people begins with figuring out who YOU are. And once you do that, your people will come to you naturally and pay you MORE because of the...

Oct 14, 2020

We’ve been conditioned to live from the neck up, relying on our minds alone and making limited choices based on the ‘right way’ of doing things that we’ve been taught. But how might our possibilities expand if we reconnected with our bodies?

Laleh Hancock is the Leadership Coach behind Global Wellness for All, a...

Oct 7, 2020

Do you feel fulfilled? Or are you just going through the motions? If you’re not making time for the things that light you up outside of work, chances are your days feel like a blur. But how can a busy entrepreneur find pockets of time to relax and clear our thoughts? What can we do to create a truly time balanced...