Apr 29, 2020
Every child has the potential to live a fulfilling life IF they get the education they deserve. But for the 7M students in the special ed system, access to that education is not a given. So, what can the parents of neurodiverse kids do to advocate for their children?
Valerie Aprahamian is the special education advocate...
Apr 22, 2020
We’ve been conditioned to believe that success comes with hard work, hustle and grind. That if our work is too easy, we must be doing something wrong. But what if business can be about flow and ease? What if we can make work fit into our life? What if this kind of graceful approach actually allows us to show up as our...
Apr 15, 2020
Wicked-smart women understand that our disconnection from the earth has created a number of problems. But did you know that we can leverage an understanding of astrology to get attuned to cosmic forces and reconnect with what Simone Butler calls the world soul, harnessing the ancient secrets of the sky to make...
Apr 8, 2020
As women, we’ve been conditioned to give our time and talent away for free. But if we want to build a sustainable business, we HAVE to align our pricing with the value we provide. So, how do we lose the shame around money and start asking for what we’re worth?
Lori Lyons is the Founder and CEO of Ignite Marketing, a...
Apr 1, 2020
When it comes to marketing your business, the choices are overwhelming. And what works for another entrepreneur may not be a good fit for YOU. Is there an easy way to discern a marketing strategy that plays to your strengths and gets results?
Milana Leshinsky is the business strategist behind Simplicity Circle, a...